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- /*
- ** Nano Window Toolkit.
- ** Version 1.1
- */
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* These functions are new in libtk 1.1 */
- /**********************************************************************/
- void tkInitDisplayModePolicy( GLenum type)
- The default policy, TK_MINIMUM_CRITERIA, is the way libtk 1.0 works:
- it creates a window with capabilities greater than or equal to those
- specified by the current display mode (See tkInitDisplayMode()). If
- TK_EXACT_MATCH is chosen, then a window that exactly matches the specified
- display mode will be selected if possible. (If an exact match cannot be
- found then tkInitWindow() will return GL_FALSE.) If TK_USE_ID is chosen
- then the display mode i.d. is used to create the window.
- GLenum tkGetDisplayModePolicy( void)
- - Returns the current display mode policy.
- GLenum tkInitDisplayModeID( GLint id)
- - Sets the display mode i.d.
- The display mode i.d. is used when creating a window, when
- the policy is TK_USE_ID. (For X and OS2 this is a visual i.d.;
- for Windows NT this is a pixel format.) Note that display mode
- i.d.'s are machine dependent.
- GLint tkGetDisplayModeID( void)
- - Returns the display mode i.d. of the main window.
- GLenum tkGetDisplayMode( void)
- - Returns the display mode of the window.
- Window attributes such as TK_RGB and TK_INDIRECT are or'ed
- together into a single mask and returned.
- Also, tkGetSystem() was extended (complete description is below) to also
- return the X screen and the rendering context.
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* The following functions were also part of libtk 1.0 */
- /**********************************************************************/
- /*
- ** Windowing functions.
- */
- void tkInitDisplayMode(GLenum type);
- - Preset window type.
- - GLenum type:
- void tkInitPosition(int x, int y, int w, int h);
- - Preset window size and top-left corner location.
- GLenum tkInitWindow(char *titleStr);
- - Create new window.
- Use tkInitDisplay to set values determining whether the window
- requested will be RGB or COLOR_INDEX and what buffer structure you want
- the window to have.
- You may request buffers and modes for the window by or'ing the values
- listed below into the 'type'. tkInitPosition will similarly set
- the position and size of the window.
- The properties set by these functions will be used by
- tkInitWindow when the window is created. If the window cannot be created
- with the requested buffers, tkInitWindow prints an diagnostic message and
- exits.
- void tkCloseWindow(void);
- - Close window.
- void tkQuit(void);
- - Quit application.
- tkClose window frees the memory used by some of the tk routines,
- calls glFinish, sets the event functions to null, and gets rid of the
- window. tkQuit calls tkCloseWindow and exits the current program.
- GLenum tkSetWindowLevel(GLenum level);
- - Set drawing plane of window.
- - GLenum level:
- If the window was created with an overlay plane this redirects the
- rendering to the appropriate plane. TK_UNDERLAY is currently
- not used.
- void tkSwapBuffers(void);
- - Swap draw/view buffer in double buffered window.
- If the window supports double-buffering this makes the contents
- of the back buffer visible, performing an implicit glFlush().
- The contents of the back buffer are undefined after this call.
- /*
- ** Event functions.
- */
- The user may want to create an Expose, a Reshape, and a Display
- callback function for use by the tk event structure. Some of these
- events may correspond to window system events, and others are input
- events. The event loop code can be better understood by looking
- at the tkExec function in the file 'event.c'. The functions below
- are used to set the various callback functions.
- void tkExposeFunc(void (*Func)(int w, int h));
- - Set window expose callback routine.
- - void (*Func)(int w, int h)
- - Callback routine will receive window size at window expose time.
- void tkReshapeFunc(void (*Func)(int w, int h));
- - Set window reshape callback routine.
- - void (*Func)(int w, int h)
- - Callback routine will receive window size after window reshape.
- void tkDisplayFunc(void (*Func)(void));
- - Set display callback routine.
- - In general this should do *most* of the drawing. It should draw the
- entire screen.
- void tkKeyDownFunc(GLenum (*Func)(int key, GLenum states));
- - Set key event callback routine.
- - void (*Func)(int key, GLenum states)
- - Callback routine will receive key pressed and state of the
- shift and control keys.
- - Callback routine will return GL_TRUE if the display callback
- routine should be called or GL_FALSE if the display callback
- should not be called.
- - int key:
- TK_A through TK_Z
- TK_a through TK_z
- TK_0 through TK_9
- - GLenum states:
- void tkMouseDownFunc(GLenum (*Func)(int x, int y, GLenum states));
- - Set mouse button down event callback routine.
- - void (*Func)(int x, int y, GLenum states)
- - Callback routine will receive mouse x, y location and button states
- when the mouse button down event occurred.
- - Callback routine will return GL_TRUE if the display callback
- routine should be called or GL_FALSE if the display callback
- should not be called.
- - GLenum states:
- void tkMouseUpFunc(GLenum (*Func)(int x, int y, GLenum states));
- - Set mouse button up event callback routine.
- - void (*Func)(int x, int y, GLenum states)
- - Callback routine will receive mouse x, y location and button states
- when the mouse button up event occurred.
- - Callback routine will return GL_TRUE if the display callback
- routine should be called or GL_FALSE if the display callback
- should not be called.
- - GLenum states:
- void tkMouseMoveFunc(GLenum (*Func)(int x, int y, GLenum states));
- - Set mouse move event callback routine.
- - void (*Func)(int x, int y, GLenum states)
- - Callback routine will receive mouse x, y location and button states
- when the mouse move event occurred.
- - Callback routine will return GL_TRUE if the display callback
- routine should be called or GL_FALSE if the display callback
- should not be called.
- - GLenum states:
- void tkIdleFunc(void (*Func)(void));
- - Set idle event callback routine.
- - Idle is for when the there are no events.
- void tkExec(void)
- - Pass control to tk's event handling code. See file event.c for
- exact flow control algorithm.
- /*
- ** Get functions.
- */
- int tkGetColorMapSize(void);
- - return size of color map.
- void tkGetMouseLoc(int *x, int *y);
- - return current mouse x, y location.
- void tkGetSystem(GLenum type, void *ptr)
- - returns either the X display, X window, X screen or rendering context depending
- on type (note: the X display, X window and X screen are only supported on versions
- of the library that run under X windows)
- /*
- ** Set functions.
- */
- These functions set color maps for use by the windowing system.
- void tkSetOneColor(int ci, float r, float g, float b);
- - Set color index to the r, g, b values.
- void tkSetFogRamp(int density, int size);
- - Set up a fog ramp in the color map starting at entry 0 and of length
- 2^size.
- void tkSetGreyRamp(void);
- - Set the entire color map to a grey scale ramp.
- void tkSetRGBMap(int size, float *rgb);
- - Set up the main window's color map. The rgb values are in the form
- r[size] followed by g[size] followed by b[size].
- void tkSetOverlayMap(int, float *);
- - Set up the overlay plane's color map. The rgb values are in the form
- r[size] followed by g[size] followed by b[size].
- /*
- ** Cursor functions.
- */
- void tkNewCursor(GLint id, GLubyte *shape, GLubyte *mask, GLenum fgColor,
- GLenum bgColor, GLint hotX, GLint hotY)
- - Define and initialize a cursor.
- - GLenum fgColor, bgColor:
- void tkSetCursor(GLint id);
- - Make cursor active.
- /*
- ** Simple object function.
- */
- void tkWireSphere(GLuint base, float radius);
- void tkSolidSphere(GLuint base, float radius);
- void tkWireCube(GLuint base, float size);
- void tkSolidCube(GLuint base, float size);
- void tkWireBox(GLuint base, float width, float height, float depth);
- void tkSolidBox(GLuint base, float width, float height, float depth);
- void tkWireTorus(GLuint base, float innerRadius, float outerRadius);
- void tkSolidTorus(GLuint base, float innerRadius, float outerRadius);
- void tkWireCylinder(GLuint base, float radius, float height);
- void tkSolidCylinder(GLuint base, float radius, float height);
- void tkWireCone(GLuint base, float b, float h);
- void tkSolidCone(GLuint base, float b, float h);
- - Creates various display list shapes starting at the given base.
- /*
- ** Helpful window mask tests.
- */
- #define TK_IS_RGB(x) (((x) & TK_INDEX) == 0)
- #define TK_IS_INDEX(x) (((x) & TK_INDEX) != 0)
- #define TK_IS_SINGLE(x) (((x) & TK_DOUBLE) == 0)
- #define TK_IS_DOUBLE(x) (((x) & TK_DOUBLE) != 0)
- #define TK_IS_DIRECT(x) (((x) & TK_INDIRECT) == 0)
- #define TK_IS_INDIRECT(x) (((x) & TK_INDIRECT) != 0)
- #define TK_HAS_ACCUM(x) (((x) & TK_ACCUM) != 0)
- #define TK_HAS_ALPHA(x) (((x) & TK_ALPHA) != 0)
- #define TK_HAS_DEPTH(x) (((x) & TK_DEPTH) != 0)
- #define TK_HAS_OVERLAY(x) (((x) & TK_OVERLAY) != 0)
- #define TK_HAS_UNDERLAY(x) (((x) & TK_UNDERLAY) != 0)
- #define TK_HAS_STENCIL(x) (((x) & TK_STENCIL) != 0)
- /*
- ** Helpful color macro.
- */
- #define TK_SETCOLOR(windType, color) (TK_IS_RGB((windType)) ? \
- glColor3fv(tkRGBMap[(color)]) : \
- glIndexf((color)))
- - GLenum windType:
- - GLenum color:
- known bugs: The x implementations of this does not set some of the
- x-properties. There is a lot of potential for name-space collisions.
- (This library uses the terms 'xDisplay', 'xScreen', and 'w' to name a few.